Heritage Education
Public Lectures
Doug Williams is a confident public speaker who has presented lectures and papers to:• The general public (for example, Probus clubs, U3A classes)• National and international conferences • Major clients • Government departments • School groups
Doug presenting at the World Archaeological Congress, Prague, 2022
Training and Education
Doug has experience in providing practical hands on training to Indigenous heritage officers/community representatives who may have to assist archaeologists with heritage assessment projects.
Training includes:• Survey planning and safety• Identification of Aboriginal site types• Identification of historic sites and features• Stone artefact identification and recording• Maps, map reading and GPS• Site mapping techniques, basic, intermediate and advanced• Basic site documentation• Report preparation• Registering sites
Doug has been featured on radio and television, and his archaeological tourism work necessitates extended public presentation.Doug can be engaged to provide illustrated talks and lectures on archaeological heritage.
Doug featured in The Dark Emu Story - Blackfella Films.
Doug featured in The Journey of Man: A Genetic Odyessy. National Geographic